AR7157 - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Nottington -

AR7157 - trees black and white  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Virtual Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone


ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone


ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone


ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157 - screenshot montage  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone AR7157 - wire from a bottle of wine and it's shadow on the wall  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone AR7157 - empty speech bubble  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

ar7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157 - framed print - flats on Portland  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157 - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157 - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157 - new experimental interiors lab - NEIL - on the way to St Tropez - neuulook - - Neil Lillystone AR7157 - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - new experimental interiors lab - NEIL -Neil Lillystone

Black Cat Virtual Studio


AR7157 - Neil Lillystone

Pirates Cove


AR7157 - new experimental interiors lab - NEIL - on the way to St Tropez - neuulook - - Neil Lillystone

+44 7584834498


AR7157 - new experimental interiors lab - NEIL - on the way to St Tropez - neuulook - - Neil Lillystone



AR7157 - stencil cut from a cereal packet  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

Nottington circa 1900 - note the building that is not there now - the intended site of our new pencil skyscraper 
head offices and studio complex Nottington circa 1900 – note the building that is not there now – the intended site of our new pencil skyscraper head offices and studio complex.

Paris - neil ciao PARIS – neil ciao

camper van in the Alps - on the way to Saint-Tropez camper van in the Alps - on the way to Saint-Tropezon the way to Saint–Tropez
standard lamp - ciao.neil standard lamp – ciao.neil

surfboards - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

stove and carpets - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

buttercups at Pirates Cove - Ranunculus acris - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

work in progress - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

work in progress

car in France - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

car in France

ARCHITECTURAL RECLAMATION - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

yellow flag outside - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

cows in a field - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

AR7157 - topography - ciao.neil  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

car in France - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

idea for the greenhouse

work in progress - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone

work in progress again

vertical farm - Pirates Cove - Wyke Regis - Weymouth - AR7157  - Neil Lillystone - Black Cat Virtual Studio - Aston Black Cat - Neil Lillystone -

vertical farm – Pirates Cove

...trying out some new ideas today the 10TH November 2023!

ar7157 = = Neil Lillystone

© Neil Lillystone